Open Joint Stock Holding Company "Yakutugol" - is the largest coal-mining enterprise in the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) and Far East Federal District. It has been involved in coal mining and marketing for 40 years. Nowadays the company has 9 000 employees including the employees of affiliate companies.
OJSHC "Yakutugol" is successfully developing modernization of production and technical equipment. As a result the company has a trends to increase mining activities and volume of productivity, which composes 90 % of the republican total productivity for a time being.
Over 50 % of the coal production extracted by Nerungrinskiy mine, is being sold on Asian - Pacific market (Japan, South Korea, China etc.). Some trial cargoes were delivered to India and Brazil
There are 200 million tons of ultimate coal reserves in Nerungrinskiy mine. According to strategies OJSHC "Yakutugol" took part in several tenders and competitive tendering to obtain user license for subsurface resources for processing the deposits of Southern Yakutia. As a result, the company possesses 100 million tons balance reserves in Nerungrinskiy coalmine and has subsurface management license for "Piatimetroviy" coal deposit.
Our company attracted 75 million dollars of foreign investments in order to put into practice the plans for equipment's renewal. According to the plan for technical modernization our company purchased 2 high-capacity shovels "Komatsu" PC 8000 with 36 cubic meters of bucket capacity, 25 large mining truck and other equipment.
In order to increase efficiency company management installation of "MBS Axapta" ERP system had been commenced in 2005. In 2006 OJSHC "Yakutugol" is planning the installation of automatic control system and energy accounting in all affiliate companies. In a period of 2006-2007 a new computer-controlled system for mining-and-transport traffic control based on GPS-technologies will be placed in service in Nerungrinsky mine and motor transport depot.
