Postal code:678960, Sakha Republic (Yakutia)Nerungri, Ugolnaya station
Fax: (41147) 4-29-31
Tel.:(41147) 91-900
e-mail: ptu@yakutugol.ru |
The first in Yakutia industrial railway enterprise - Loading and Transport Department - was found on March 13, 1979 by order No.45 of PO "Yakutugol" .
The target of the department was to provide transport service for the town and enterprises of South-Yakutia Coal Complex, and to supply coal to the customers in the Far East and Siberia
The first 20 carriages with the coal were loaded and shipped to the customers on April 6, 1979.
Total 408,9 thousand tons of Nerungrinsky coal were shipped in 1979, and one million tons were shipped in 1980 . After commissioning of coal-washing plant in 1985 , the first trains with coal concentrate were shipped for export. 2154 thousand tons were shipped before the end of the year.
In 1987 maximum coal shipment to the customers was 13491 thousand tons, including 5655 thousand tons for export. In 2004 personnel of Loading and Transport Department celebrated their twenty fifth anniversary. During this period 207 million 20 thousand tons of coal were shipped to the domestic market and abroad. Total 3 million 300 thousand railroad cars were handled, that is 219 million 251 thousand tons of materials were shipped from and to South Yakutia.
Now Transport and Loading Department handles materials in Ugolnaya station, in locomotive shed, track machinery shed, personnel of the department drive diesel locomotives, repair bridges and access railway tracks covering 52 km.
190 people work in the department, there are 6 sectors : sector of rolling stock, freight service, track maintenance, communication, hot water system supply, administration.
The Department has good cooperation with personnel of Berkakit railway station, Tynda division of the Far East Railway . They reached high results in customers' supply with the black gold of South Yakutia, thanks to fruitful mutual cooperation with appropriate departments for prompt settlement of questions in connection with transportation.
