"Nerungrinskaya"Coal-Washing PlantPostal address:678960, Sakha Republic (Yakutia),
Nerungri, 15 Razrezovskaya str.,
fax: (41147) 9-15-54, 9-14-27 e-mail: fabrica@yakutugol.ru |
"Nerungrinskaya" Coal-Washing Plant is affiliate of OJSHC "Yakutugol" . It is situated in the south of the Republic in Nerungrinsky district with Nerungri as the center. Nerungri is the youngest town in Russian . It is 25 years old. More than 100 thousand people live here, and nearly half of the population have ties with "Yakutugol" enterprise. Climate in the district is abrupt continental , average annual temperature difference is 100 degrees. To secure successful work of the miners there is "Nerungrinskaya" power station that burns Nerungrinsky stem coals , and "Ugolnaya" railroad station that connect BAM and Trans-Siberian railroad for coal delivery to Vladivostok and Nakhodka sea ports. The length of the route is 3000 km.
The goal of "Nerungrinskaya", coal washing plant is handling of run-of-mine coking colas K-9 produced in "Nerungrinsky" mine in the amount of 9 million tons per year and handling of SS steam colas in the amount of 4 million tons per year. The coal-washing plant was put into operation in January 1985 . Estimated capacity and technological parameters of coal processing were reached by the the third year of operation. Processing of run-of mine K-9 coals in 1987-1990 made 9000-9300 thousand tons, steam coals - 4 million tons. Technological chain of coal-washing includes: two stages of crushing to the size 0-30 mm, with the following 0,5-30 mm coal processing in three -product H.M. Cyclones and floatation of 0-0,5 mm class slurry with separation of three products : concentrate, middling and reject. The plant is equipped with high capacity import and national machinery. Coal delivered from the mine is discharged into coal bunkers with capacity of 280 tons, in the block of the 1st and the 2nd stages of crushing. Run-of-mine coal through PT24 plate feeders is directed to the bar screens with jaw 200 mm. The oversize product goes to SMD-60A jaw crushers where it is crushed to 200 mm. Crushed coal is combined with the undersize and is delivered by the belt conveyors to the bar screen, and then to the 2nd stage of crushing , where it is crushed in APS1430 crusher to the size of 30 mm. Crushed coal and the undersize 0-30 mm is transported by belt conveyors to the transfer points and is delivered to the accumulating bins and there it is distributed between three silos with the capacity of 30 thousand tons, and with 9 discharge hoppers each. Silo discharge is made with the help of measuring bins and feeders (KL-12) to the belt conveyors , which distribute coal between three conveyors delivering coal to the main building for coal preparation. The main building consists of three sections: heavy medium, floatation and filtration, thickening. Size 0-30 mm coal is delivered to the three sections of heavy medium separation. After hydraulic classification in sump-buckets coal +0,5-30 mm is cleaned in three-product heavy-medium Cyclones . The products are washed in "Schenck" screens off suspension and are dewatered in "Humbolt". HES-1300 centrifuges.
Overburden rock size +0,5-30mm is transported to the waste bin and then to the dump by the trucks. Slime class 0-0,5 mm is directed by the pumps to three sections of flotation and filtration and there it is processed with formation of three products: concentrate, middling and flotation tailings . Concentrate and middling are dewatered in disc vacuum filters and in "IEMCO"MDP-2,6. belt filter-presses. Flotation tailings after thickening are dewatered in belt filter-presses and in vacuum filters, and go to waste. Products with humidity to -20% are directed by the belt conveyers to the four hoppers 700 tons each, where there are four dryers <> <>№12.The products after heat processing with humidity to 7% are transported by belt conveyers to the stock room. Coal dust is collected by the first stage and the second stage cyclones and after them it is fed by scraper conveyers to the mixer to be mixed with dried coal and then it goes to the stock room. Part of the dust concentrate is fed to hammer mills where is it dried , milled and goes to combustion chamber.
From the stock room concentrate and middling are spread by the belt conveyers to 4 silos 10 thousand tons each. Silos are discharged by the feeders to the belt conveyers transporting the products to the loading point. Coal washing plant mode of operation is - 330 days a year , three shifts , 8-hour shift, number of machine hours of equipment operation per day is 17 hours. Hourly output of the plant is 1800 t/hr. This is the three section project. Each section output is 600 t/hr. Hourly productivity of the complex for coking coal feeding and crushing is 2500 t/hr. (two lines 1250 t/hr. each). Hourly productivity of the complex for steam coal feeding and crushing is 1250 t/hr.
Capacity of the final product shipment is 4000 t/hr:
- К9 concentrate , ash content 9,0+0,5% ;
- Stem coal concentrate, ash content 23,0%;
- steam coal CC, size 0-50mm, ash content 16 %;
- moisture to 7%.
To provide successful process of the plant there are the following subdivisions:
1.Repair and construction shop. 17 people are working there, they are: carpenters, specialists for concreting , plasterers, painters.
2. Shop for Assembly, disassembly, repair and adjustment of the equipment, for the main technological equipment overhaul. 165 people work there: welders, electricians, mechanics .
At the present time there are 1034 people working in the coal washing plant , out of them 868 workers, 166 engineers . Specialists are working on introduction of new modern technologies into production chain, that makes coal, produced in Nerungri to be competitive at the world's market. Coal concentrate of South Yakutia has got two gold medals at the international exhibition in Paris.
Nowadays "Nerungrinskays" coal washing plant is the modern enterprise with high technology and future prospects and it is one of the leading enterprises in coal industry of the Russian Federation.
