"Nerungrinsky" MinePostal Code:678960, Sakha Republic ( Yakutia), Nerungri, 15 Razrezovskaya str. Fax:(41147) 9-11-72 e-mail: post@nur.yakutugol.ru |
"Nerungrinsky" mine, OJSHC" Yakutugol " affiliate is the largest coal-mining enterprise in the Far East. Construction and commissioning of "Nerungrinsky " mine incorporated in SYACC was accomplished in 1975-1985 , by 5 separate turns. Nerungrinskoye coal deposit is in Aldano-Chulmansky region of South Yakutia coal basin in the territory of Nerungrinsky district of Sakha Republic (Yakutia) near Nerungri. The mine is opencast mine. Coal deposit was discovered at early 50s of the last century. Here, so called "Moshchny" seam reserves are being developed . This is a mold form deposit with total area of 16 sq.km with maximum 320 meters of seam location depth in the central part of the mold. The average thickness of the seam is 26,5 meters, maximum thickness - at least 120 meters. "Nerungrinsky" mine - is one out of three coal mining enterprises incorporated in OJSHC "Yakutugol", in the territory of Sakha Republic ( Yakutia). Maximum coal production in 1989 was - 14 million 881 thousand tons. Nerungrinsky coal consumers are steel mills and power stations from Russia, Japan, South Korea, India, Taiwan.
A number of step-by-step actions have been taken for raising of the production efficiency and reducing of coal production costs in "Nerungrinsky" mine. One of the main directions is technical reequipment of the mining machinery, i.e. putting into operation of more powerful equipment and development of powerful mining transport complexes. In 1997-1998 two 301-М shovels, bucket capacity 40 m3 were put into operation, and 5 DM-H drills for drilling of blast holes diameter 311-320mm . In January -February 2003 two diesel-hydraulic "Komatsu" РС5500 shovels, bucket capacity 23 м3, were tested and put into operation.
The climate in the region is abrupt continental , the number of the days with the positive temperatures during a year is 137 days, and with negative temperatures- 228 days Absolute marks in the coal field are from 600 to 1200 meters. Coal deposit is in the form of closed brachy-synclinal fold (6x3.9 km) stretched out to the north-west and south-east. Among lithological varieties in Nerungrinsky mine formation the most spread are different sandstones from fine-grained to coarse-grained , covering 80-82% of the mine. Fine-grained rocks - aleurolites and argillites form about 11% of the mine.
Portion of hard coals is about 6%, gravelstone and conglomerate -
1-2% of stratigraphic mine. Quaternary deposits spread everywhere in the coal field. These deposits are sands and pebble-beds. Their depth is from 1 to 3 meters. Angles of seam descent vary: in the north-east they are 15-20 degrees, in the north-west and south-east they are less than 10-12 degrees. In some areas in the south-west pitch angles reach 30 degrees.
Qualitative coal specifications of Nerungrinsky field are shown in the Table: |

Rank of coal |
Size,мм |
Specification |
Content, % |
Volatile matter, average % |
Y, not less than, mm |
Calorific value, kkal/kg |
Mineral admixtures, % |
moisture |
ash |
sulphur |
Gross |
Net |
Mean |
Limit |
Mean |
Limit |
Mean |
Mean |
Mean |
CR |
0-300 |
4,2 |
6 |
16,8 |
20 |
0,3 |
21 |
9 |
- |
- |
2,5 |
3SS |
0-300 |
5,5 |
8,2 |
16,5 |
19,5 |
0,3 |
21 |
- |
8000 |
6312 |
2,5 |
Coal Reserves as of 01.01.2004
Commercial coal reserves of the field are 197,069 million tons, or 46,7% of the reserves at the beginning of operation.
- reserves of SS coal - 21,174 million tons or 10,7% of the reserves;
- reserves of coking coal - 175,895 million tons or 89,3% of the reserves.